
What's Your STORY$%:

Are you someone who uses negative language to describe yourself in the privacy of your own mind$%:

If you are not sure about this, then listen to your next couple of thoughts. Was there anything in them that you might cringe at now that you are actively listening$%: Did you happen to call yourself a name, one that could be deemed negative$%: This is called labelling and it is a very destructive and common form of self abuse.

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If you said something like "I'm a dummy", "what a loser', 'stop it you fat pig", or "I am so stupid" then you just actively participated in labeling. OUCH!!!!!.

Would you ever dream of calling someone you love those names$%: How about your children$%: What about a stranger$%:

No of course you wouldn't. Not only would it be bad manners, but it just isn't nice. What grounds would cause you to be nasty to someone and call them names$%: I am pretty sure that they would have had to do something to you to even evoke a response like that. If that is the case, then let me ask you something else$%: What did you do to you, that you would be calling yourself names like that, all day long$%: Every day!

If you are willing to be nice to someone else, a stranger even, then why wouldn't you choose to be nice to yourself$%:

The names that you call yourself are based on an old story or script that you or someone else helped you to write. It might have been family members saying endearingly "yes you've always been a klutz haven't you$%: or ' she was never good at math, she just doesn't have a head for numbers", or my favourite, "she just loves to eat, don't you dear". You have become so used to these messages that I bet you don't even hear them anymore. In fact, you have become them.

For the next hour, I want you to say OUT LOUD any negative thoughts or words you say about yourself in your head. Actually count how many times you have these thoughts in a minute, an hour, a day even by putting a stroke on a piece of paper for each one. Would it surprise you to find that that some of you may have more that 50 negative thoughts in an hour, maybe even more$%:

Now imagine how the repetition of these negative thoughts have turned you into the very thing you don't want to be. Is it any wonder that your subconscious has adopted this story or view of you$%:

Are you ready to change into someone you really want to be$%: It is a choice that only you can make, but you can do it. All it will take is a short rewrite and a conscious effort on your part to reprogram those negative thoughts and stories into positive ones.

The next time you say 'oh I am such a dummy'. Say out loud STOP, actively FLIP that SWITCH, repeat out loud" I am smart", " I am Beautiful", "I am my perfect weight".. If you do commit to doing this, changing every negative you say about yourself and turning them into a positive, by the end of a few weeks you will begin to see an amazing transformation. You will find that the stupid, dumb, awkward, clumsy fat person is gone, and a smart, intelligent, confident, person is emerging in their place, even one who is losing weight without much effort. Yes that is right. Just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, the choice to go home has always been yours.

Once your subconscious catches on to the fact that your story has changed, (this will take conscious and repeated effort for at least 12 weeks to become permanent) it will do everything in its power to make it so. You will notice after the first week that it will begin to take less effort to control the negative thoughts. This vigil is well worth it though. There is no more powerful ally than your subconscious mind.

Dr. Maltz refers to the subconscious in his book Psycho Cybernetics as a servo mechanism. A servo mechanism is a device used to correct the performance of a mechanism automatically, by means of error-sensing feedback. It is usually referenced to a piece of machinery that doesn't require human effort to run it. However, when referenced to the Subconscious mind, Dr. Maltz's theory is that our subconscious is our own servo mechanism- this is our device that once set, controls our behaviour. It will sense an error, and correct the performance, every time. It's like a homing missile.

If you have programmed your subconscious to think of you as a fat person, it will do everything to make sure you stay a fat person. No amount of willpower will hold your body back from getting what it wants. Eventually you will give in. However, if you change the setting in your Subconscious mind to be a certain weight or look like a visual i.e. 140 pounds or a picture of a slim person, once this rewrite is set, you will no longer need to try hard to lose the weight. It will just come off naturally. You will no longer need to rely on willpower to get you through the day. If you have ever tried to lose weight, you know how hard it can be to stay the course, but not any longer. You won't need willpower anymore. Your subconscious mind once reset (your body's servo mechanism) will do everything in its power to MAKE SURE you become 140 pounds or look like the vision and weight you have set for yourself. Automatically, and YES, without any effort on your part once you have reset the device.

This works for anything. Say you have a fear of public speaking but you want to be a motivational speaker. If that is what you want then tell yourself that is what you are. Any chance you get, 100 times a day if need be, say to yourself, I am a motivational speaker. ACT like a motivational speaker. Wear what you think a speaker wears, visualize yourself in front of a large audience and you will BECOME a motivational speaker. You won't be able to stop it from happening.

If you need one more reason to try to change your story than think about this very powerful evidence by Japanese scientist and researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto, Dr. Emoto is a creative visionary and photographer who has been experimenting with water. You may have seen his story in the movie What the Bleep!

From Mr. Emoto's work, we are provided with factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet.

When water is subjected to nice words, like love, hope, pretty, beautiful crystals form, but when that very same water is exposed to negative words like hate, Hitler, ugly, those same crystals have difficulty forming, and if they do they are ugly and misshapen. This is very powerful evidence, and it proves that we must do everything we can to change our negative thoughts and emotions. We are not doing our bodies or our organs any good, in fact we may be destroying them.

It is no secret that we all grow and flourish under words of love and kindness, even the ones we say them to ourselves.

*see the Wisdom in Water, by Masaru Emoto.

* Maxwell Maltz- Psycho Cybernetics.

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